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The Oyo State House of Assembly has identified lack of severe sanctions and punishment for offenders as responsible for the rising cases of paedophilia activities in Oyo state and indeed Nigeria.

To this end, the Oyo state house of Assembly has called on all stakeholders to rise up to the challenge of curbing the menace by prosecuting and bringing perpetrators to book as sexual abuse of children is a gross violation of their rights.

These were the submissions of the house while deliberating on a motion on curbing the menace of paedophilia acts in Oyo state as presented by Hon Bimbo Oladeji representing Ogbomoso North state constituency.

The Speaker said sexual molestation of children should be given all the seriousness and attention it deserves in Oyo state and indeed Nigeria as it is being done in most developed countries .

Hon Ogundoyin assured that the house will work with all stakeholders in Oyo state to reduce the activities of paedophiles.

Earlier while presenting the motion, Hon Oladeji explained that most of the cases of sexual abuse and exploitation in children are not reported due to fear of stigmatization hence abusers in the unreported cases usually go unpunished.

Hon Oladeji noted that paedophilia cases are not only limited to girls, adding that children who suffer abuse usually experience psychological and emotional trauma for the rest of their lives.

The house after much deliberations resolved to urge the executive arm through the Ministry of Women Affairs and other stakeholders to embark on aggressive sensitization of the citizens on the activities of paedophiles ..

It also called for adequate campaign and sex education for children especially the girl child with a view to instructing them on how to protect themselves from sexual abuse while parents of victims are also encouraged to report such cases to the police to ensure justice is done.

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