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About Us

Nigeria Assembly News (nassnewsng.com)  is a web based organization aimed at reporting the news of  activities of the lawmakers at the state level and the national level. In addition to that we are made up of proactive professionals who are driven by innovation and a passion to break barriers of communication between the assembly members and the masses nationwide.

NassNewsNg are supported by an experienced board membership as well as distinguished consultants and associates in the global journalism arena. At the lower and the upper chamber, we use the latest strategies and software available to develop, monitor activities, disseminate information on news online medium. Consequently, we follow public opinion and remain on top of all major developments influencing public views in our lawmakers’ domain.

Furthermore, we complete all these stages in consultation with our principal officer or their representatives, and keep the world informed of developments at all times in the Nigeria assembly nationwide.

Nigeria Assembly News is a dynamic total media solution online offering.

National Assembly: What is your stand?

